5 Tips to Boost Your Immune System

People are looking for ways to strengthen their immune system as the COVID-19 continues to infect many.
The immune system’s primary role is to detect and combat germs and viruses so that you’ll not get sick. If your immune system can’t fight these microbes, you can easily acquire diseases.

Having a strong immune system is essential. It protects you from harmful microorganisms that can make you sick.
In fighting illnesses, your best defense is having a healthy body and lifestyle. The immune system and all your body parts operate better when supported by a healthy way of life.


Eating a balanced diet is one of the most effective ways of ensuring a strong immune system.
Avoid fatty, salty, and sugary foods. Instead, choose whole plant foods such as vegetables, fruits, and seeds that are rich in antioxidants.

The antioxidants help reduce chronic inflammation, which is connected to several ailments like Alzheimer’s, heart diseases, and types of cancers.

The vitamin C present in fruits and vegetables protects you from the common cold.

Did you know that poor quality and insufficient sleep are associated with more vulnerability to illnesses?

Proteins called cytokines that attack inflammation and infection are produced while you’re sleeping. If you get an eight-hour sleep or more, you can also have higher levels of T cell, a vital component in the immune system.

On the other hand, your body produces stress hormones for you to stay alert and awake when you don’t get enough sleep,
Adults should sleep for 7 hours or more, while teens should aim for 8–10 hours of sleep. Kids and infants must sleep for 14 hours.

Exercising is an effective way to boost your immunity. It allows your white blood cells and antibodies to circulate better.

Take note that exercising too much can bring a great deal of stress on your body, so do it in moderation.

Moderate exercising for about 150 minutes per week is enough.

Staying hydrated does not protect you from viruses, but it’s vital to your wellbeing. Dehydration can cause ailments such as kidney failure, headaches, and indigestion.

Water is the most recommended fluid since it’s free of sugar, calories, and additives. Limit your sweetened tea and fruit juice intake due to their high amounts of sugar.

The general rule is you must drink whenever you feel thirsty. If you exercise and live in a hot climate, you have to drink more fluids.

Keeping your hands clean is important to stop germs from entering your body.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that handwashing can lessen up to 21% the number of people who get respiratory diseases.

Washing your hands using soap and warm water for 20 seconds is ideal. Do this before and after cooking and eating. Also, you have to clean your hands after using the bathroom and going to public places.
Alcohol and alcohol-based hand sanitizers are also great alternatives.

The condition of your immunity changes as you get older. As you age, your immune system starts to weaken, which means you’re more vulnerable to infection.

Good nutrition and a healthy lifestyle are necessary to ensure a strong immunity.

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