Schülke’s latest Surface Disinfection

What is Monkeypox virus?

Monkeypox is caused by the Monkey pox virus (virus family Poxviridae and genus Orthopoxvirus) and represents a rare disease which can affect also humans.

10 Unexpected Hygiene Threats in Living Rooms

Did you know that your living room could also be a haven for harmful bacteria and organisms?

3 Unexpected hygiene threats in washrooms

Maintaining good personal hygiene, such as hand washing, avoiding dirty surfaces, and proper sanitation, is only sometimes considered necessary.

management of chronic wounds

Management, Care, and Healing Strategies for Chronic Wounds

Chronic wounds, defined as wounds that fail to proceed through an orderly and timely process to produce anatomic and functional integrity, or that proceed through the repair process without establishing a sustained, anatomic, and functional result, are a widespread and growing health concern. The prevalence of chronic wounds, including pressure ulcers, diabetic ulcers, and venous […]

What Type of Wounds Are There?

A variety of incidents can lead to wounds, from a simple cut to more severe injuries like dog bites or amputation wounds. However, the nature and treatment of these wounds vary greatly. In order to understand this, we need to delve into the various types of wounds and the necessary care required for each. Types […]

treat dog and cat bites

How to Treat Dog and Cat Bites

Animal companionship offers immeasurable joy, companionship, and love. However, it also comes with inherent risks such as the possibility of dog and cat bites. These incidents occur more frequently than you might imagine, with millions of such bites reported annually. It is crucial to understand the necessary steps to treat these bites and, whenever possible, […]